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Capital Bank 

Commercial banking & offices Spatial Design 

The concept attempts to internally reference capital bank in 3 axioms;


/ The Tree Rooted

The centrality of the sculptural Olive tree has the possibility to be the distinct item that connects all the branches producing a shared ground, a status of being rooted.
/ The Cube Privacy

The suspended cube office effect, to inform the unification of all branches, and the shared architectural abstract character.
/ Technology Futurism
Hosting cultural and technological tectonic shifts, shown on the exterior elevation of the branch in addition to the digital screens hovering throughout the space

// The mission was to establish an aesthetic for capital bank of style and character, in fact some sort of an architectural identity, one that interrelates all the branches to reproduce capital bank as a homogeneous entity at the same time re-originating itself with relevance to cultural and technological shifts. All branches show a connection of distinct sculptural items, color scheme, enclosures, and furniture items.


In order to set several branch typologies, it is very crucial to identify the customer base of Capital Bank. Identifying the bank customers always helps in shaping unique typologies with different experiences and distinguished products for customers in referral to different customer needs.

The new user redefinition is correlated to the main segmentation typologies which are General, Health & Wealth/Digital, and Select/Private. This segmentation should be reflected on the bank space in terms of functions, spatial requirements, look and feel.

A standard model branch that fulfils regular banking operations

A model branch that provides connection between financial, physical, and mental health

A model branch that provides general services for the elite, more private personalized experience

/ General Branches 

/ General Branches 

/ General Branches 



// Health & Wealth Branches 




/// Select Branches 





Realistic Images


 commercial \ innovation\ typologies
